Sie sind hier: Startseite Gender and Diversity Management Gender Service and Contact

Service and Contact

For Research Institutes/DFG Joint Research Projects

Office for Gender and Diversity

Advising for research institutes on gender issues, applications for DFG gender equality funding in joint research projects

Dr. Aniela Knoblich
Head of the Office for Gender and Diversity
Administrative Building
79085 Freiburg


For Employees and Researchers

Staff Equal Opportunity Representative

Advising and information for administrative and technical employees (on the monitoring of recruiting procedures, network of administrative and technical employees, etc.)

Katharina Klaas
Staff Equal Opportunity Representative
Werthmannstraße 8, Rear Building
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-4411
E-Mail: chancengleichheit@zv.uni-freiburg.de

Faculty Equal Opportunity Representative

Advising of students and researchers (on sexual harassment, mobbing, stalking, etc.)

Dr. Ina Sieckmann-Bock
Faculty Equal Opportunity Representative
Werthmannstraße 8, Rear Building
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-4299 or 0761/203-4222
E-Mail: gleichstellungsbeauftragte@uni-freiburg.de

Family Service

Advising on work-family balance (child care, holiday programs, parental leave, homeworking and telecommuting, etc.)

Ellen Biesenbach
Head of Family Service gGmbH
Werthmannstraße 8, Rear Building, Ground Floor
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-4299
E-Mail: familienservice@uni-freiburg.de

Dual Career Service

Individual advising, contacts, help finding a position, advising on application procedures in Germany)

Katharina Klaas
Head of the DCC Service
Werthmannstraße 8, Rear Building
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-4411
E-Mail: chancengleichheit@zv.uni-freiburg.de

For Students

Freiburg Office of Student Services

Advising on compatibility of family and studies and family friendliness (child care, financial aid, living with a child, etc.)

Barbara Toth
Social Counselor
Freiburg Office of Student Services
Schreiberstr. 12–16
79098 Freiburg
Phone: 0761/2101-233
E-Mail: toth@swfr.de

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge